Parent activities at Breiðholtsskóli
All parents and guardians of students at Breiðholtsskóli are automatically members of the Breiðholtsskóli Parent Association. The association's goals include promoting strong cooperation between homes and the school and supporting students' social activities. See more about the role of class officers. The board meets monthly and the principal or assistant principal attends all board meetings.
Breiðholtsskóli Parent Association
An active parent association operates at Breiðholtsskóli. The association supports school activities, promotes student welfare and strengthens home-school connections. Its goal is to work for students' well-being and happiness and encourage active parent participation in school life. The parent association organizes various events, including Christmas crafts, Easter bingo, educational meetings and a spring festival. The association also manages the Parent Patrol.

Parent association board
The board communicates information to parents through class officers in all classes and to the school council through parent representatives. The parent association board meets monthly. Board elections occur at the annual general meeting, as per Article 4 of the Breiðholtsskóli Parent Association bylaws.
Board members:
Ásta Birna Björnsdóttir, Chair:
Valdís Vera Einarsdóttir, Treasurer
Sylvía Una Ómarsdóttir, Secretary
Gunnhildur Karlsdóttir, Board Member
Class representatives and class activities
At Breiðholtsskóli, each grade level is considered a class. A class officer is chosen from among the parents of the class. The class officer who has served for one year introduces the Parent Association to other parents and recruits a new member, also sharing their experience from the previous year. Class officers serve for two years barring any absence and one new officer is chosen each year. One class officer in each grade volunteers for the Parent Association board as a liaison. They serve on the board for 2 years and must therefore volunteer in their first year.

Class officers in each grade discuss among themselves who will serve on the board for the grade. Class officers decide with teachers on arrangements for class evenings in grades 1-10 and should take initiative. Class officers prepare and send out meeting notices to classes, lead, maintain order and organize the class evening. The class officer works with the teacher to improve cooperation and communication between students, student groups and parents. The class officer is the liaison for other parents on class matters, with the teacher and board. The class officer should always engage other parents.
Bylaws of the Parent Association of Breiðholtsskóli
Article 1 Name of the association
The association is called the Parent Association of Breiðholtsskóli. Members are parents and guardians of students at the school.
Article 2. Objective
The association's goal is to support school activities, strengthen ties between parents and school, and work for students' wellbeing and happiness. The association aims to achieve its goals through mutual information flow between home and school, working to provide good facilities for students' recreational activities and education for parents and school staff.
Article 3 Election of class officers and committee appointments
Class officers are liaisons between parents and homeroom teachers if special issues need to be raised with the parent association board or school council. Two class officers work in each class at a time. Parents of each class select one new class officer by the end of April each year and one continues. Both class officers for the upcoming 1st grade are chosen at the first parent meeting at the school in spring. Outgoing class officers must pass on information and documents related to parent and class activities to new officers. The board invites class officers to at least two meetings per year, in the 1st week of the school year and 2nd week of January. These meetings review the year's projects and assign project groups. Project group representatives are responsible for implementing projects and recruit parents as needed. Regular board meetings are open to class officers and they are encouraged to present parents' ideas to strengthen cooperation and a positive spirit in parent activities. Class officers nominate one person from their grade for the board and an alternate who are voted on at the annual general meeting per Article 4 of these bylaws. The board thus consists of ten members and ten alternates. The principal and/or assistant principal have the right to attend board meetings.
Article 4. Annual general meeting
The outgoing board shall prepare for and announce the annual general meeting with one week's notice in May each year.
The agenda for the annual general meeting shall be:
• Report from the outgoing board.
• Financial statement for the past school year.
• Election to the school council.
• Election of financial auditor.
• Election of board.
• Decision on project fund fee.
• Other business.
Article 5. Fiscal year
The board's fiscal year shall be May 20 to May 19. The association's income shall be the project fund fee, as well as other income raised by the board. The board oversees allocating funds by simple majority at the meeting where expenses are approved.
Article 6. Meeting minutes
The board shall keep a record book of board meeting proceedings and minutes should describe what occurs at meetings and note decisions that are approved. Minutes should be accessible on the school's website.
Article 7. Amendments / effective date
These bylaws may be amended at the annual general meeting each year, provided it is announced in the meeting notice at least two weeks in advance. The annual general meeting is valid if properly announced. These bylaws take effect on May 26, 2011 and simultaneously the association's bylaws from May 8, 2007 are repealed.