Healthcare at Breiðholtsskóli
School healthcare is a continuation of infant and toddler care. School healthcare aims to improve student health and well-being. Healthcare staff work closely with parents/guardians, school administrators, teachers, and others involved in student affairs. All information is treated confidentially.
If needed, guardians can seek assistance from Suðurmiðstöð regarding their child's healthcare.
Education and prevention
School healthcare provides organized health education and promotes healthy lifestyles. Every opportunity is used to educate students and make them aware of and responsible for their own health. Parents can seek advice from school health services regarding their children's mental, physical and social well-being.

Planning and services for students
Regular check-ups and vaccinations
Grade 1: Vision tests, height and weight measurements.
Grade 4: Vision tests, height and weight measurements.
Grade 7: Vision tests, height and weight measurements. Vaccination against measles, rubella, and mumps (one shot). Girls are offered HPV vaccination against cervical cancer (Cervarix) – two shots.
Grade 9: Vision tests, height and weight measurements. Vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, and polio (one shot).
Students in other grades are examined if necessary or if parents and teachers request it. School healthcare also monitors that children have received the vaccinations recommended by the Director of Health. Parents will be contacted if children haven't received adequate vaccinations.
Sleep, snacks, and clothing
Regular and sufficient sleep is important for children's health and development. Children need 10-12 hours of sleep at night. Students have long school days. It's important to eat regularly and bring healthy snacks. It's also important that students dress appropriately for the weather.
Contact us
The school nurse at Breiðholtsskóli is Kristín Rún Friðriksdóttir
Office hours are available by arrangement.
School phone number: 411 7450.
The school nurse is available on weekdays from 8am to 12pm.
Various work-related meetings are held during this time.